Dry Ice Blasters
PCS Company offers Karcher Dry Ice Blasters in 4 models that are tailored specifically for long term or short-term cleaning of molds, dies and equipment. The IB 10/15 L2P Advanced and IB 10/8 L2P Classic have taken away the hassle of ordering and storing pelletized dry ice by converting liquid CO2 into dry ice on demand for spontaneous cleaning requirements. Liquid CO2 can be stored in gas cylinders for use on the L2P or “Liquid to Pellet” dry ice blasters. The IB 15/120 Super Class and IB 7/40 Advanced will used pre-pelletized dry ice for scheduled cleaning. All of the Karcher Dry Ice Blasters are portable for use in a production or shop environment. Avoid the traditional methods of cleaning such as chemicals and sandblasting that can damage delicate surfaces of molds and equipment. Dry ice blasting is the non-abrasive method used to remove contaminates, mold release, surface rust and burnt on resin from molds.