Features Resources Operating Pressure: 150 psi max.Operating Temperature: 0 to 120°C (32 to 248°F)Analog Output for Flow (0.5-3.5V, 0-5V or 0-10V selectable)Analog Output for Temperature (0.5-4.1V, 0-5V or 0-10V selectable)Reynolds Number DisplayTurbulent Flow Display (FCI)Flow Rate Display in Gallons or Liters per Minute, +/- 1.5% Accuracy based on full scaleTemperature Display in Degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius, +/- 0.5°C AccuracyBTU's per Minute Calculation with Optional Glycol % InputFlow Connection Sizes (NPT): 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" and 1-1/2" View in CatalogProduct BrochureOperation Manual